A God Who Sees

In Genesis 16:8, Hagar, calling on the name of the Lord, says, “You are a God who sees.” This sentence means two things: Firstly, it means that God sees all things. God knows what you overcame yesterday, and God knows what you will face tomorrow. Secondly, we are reminded, that even in the middle of all creation, with God holding everything together, God sees us, individually. God sees us, and God loves us.

In Psalm 139, David makes a proclamation that God formed David, and he proclaims that God made him fearfully and wonderfully. This is true of all of us. God created us, and God has seen all we have been, and He sees all we will be. In that Psalm, David makes many remarks about the comfort this gives him. As we read it, does it not comfort us as well? These are just a few listed in Psalm 139:

–       Lord, you have searched me and known me (v. 1)

–       You… are intimately acquainted with all my ways (v. 3)

–       Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it all. (v. 4)

–       If I say, surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night, even the darkness is not dark to you, and the night is as bright as day. (v. 12)

–       When I awake, I am still with You. (v. 18)

–       Search me, O God, and know my heart (v. 23)

–       And lead me in the everlasting way. (v. 24)

The one, true, living God is a God who sees, and He is a God who loves us. He has searched us and known us, and he sees the darkness ahead and behind, and through His love He makes that darkness light! When we wake up, we are able to face each day with God in our lives, taking our sins and afflictions away. God has made us, fearfully and wonderfully, so let us give thanks to him and rest in the everlasting peace in knowing that our God is a God who sees!

-Winston Smith